Yesterday my wife and I came home from an amazing 12 days trip to Weatherford, Texas. We are so thankful that God opened this door for us and gave us the opportunity to volunteer for a week on the set of The Chosen as Production Assistants. This was one of the greatest trips we have ever taken. We met a lot of great people and made new friends, we learned a lot more than we expected and we had a lot of fun. Everyone was extremely friendly and welcoming to us.
One thing I really enjoy about set life and being around filmmakers is that you're surrounded by a crew that is at the same time extremely professional and hard working, yet also extremely playful, goofy and just really, really have fun. Even though it was extremely hot and the days were long (a day of shooting was usually 12 hours), it didn't feel like work.
We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made this trip special for us and took the time to give us insights into their work and life on such a large set! Joining an already operational and fine-tuned team isn't easy, but we really hope we've been able to be at least a little help here and there!