It's been pretty quiet here on the blog for quite a while - but don't worry we are still here! And we're also working on a lot of new things. For example, we are in the middle of renovating and building our new studio, we are currently working on our first short film script and we are starting a new edition in the area of ​​wedding films. Our special wedding website will soon be launched for this purpose. But there is more! Our latest Visual Effects and Animations Reel 2019 is finally ready and at the same time we are working on more new showreels that will be online soon! A cinematography & video production reel, a drone & landscapes reel and a wedding teaser are currently being created. So you can be curious.

You can see the new VFX reel as well as some current work here:

Visual Effects & Animation Reel 2019:

Short film “A Blood Throne” that we did VFX for this year:

Real estate video for SF real estate:

And there's something to celebrate this year! 10 years Composite Media GbR!

Stay tuned for more!